How I turn myself into a morning person.(C)


How I turn myself into a morning person.(C)

Hello, everyone. I'm Chieh.

Are you someone who stays up late at night but wants to become a morning person? If so, you might be interested in my recent experience.

Since my 20s, I have been a night owl, believing that staying up late and working through the night makes me more productive. As a result, I used to stay up until 2 am on most nights.

However, recently, I began to realize that waking up early was becoming increasingly difficult. I would feel tired throughout the day, and it would often take me a long time to fall asleep at night, sometimes not being able to sleep until 3 am.

To break out of this unhealthy cycle, I read a book called "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. Since trying his method two weeks ago, I have successfully transitioned from being a night owl to becoming a morning person.

He introduced the idea of six practices that can be completed in just one hour each morning to set the tone for a new day.

These practices are :
※The minutes in brackets are my schedule. You can make adjustments to yours.

・Meditation (15 mins): Sit quietly and notice your breath without thinking.
・Affirmations (5 minutes): Set goals for your life and repeat them to yourself.
・Visualization (5 minutes): Visualize yourself achieving your goals.
・Exercise (20 minutes): This can be running or yoga or anything that boosts your energy.
・Reading (15 minutes): Reading books that can bring you new ideas and perspectives.
・Writing (5 minutes) : Begin a gratitude journal.

It seems like a lot of work, but it can all be done in one hour. I was intrigued by this idea and decided to give it a try. On my first day, I forced myself to wake up at 5 a.m. to complete the six practices (a big change from my usual 8 a.m. wake-up time on workdays and 10 a.m. on holidays). To my surprise, after completing all the practices, I felt incredibly good and motivated.

Meditation is my favorite part. It helped to reduce my anxiety, and I was able to clearly see my thoughts and choose the positive ones.
And, I believe that affirmations and visualization are key factors in why the morning method can help people wake up early. They made me feel motivated in my life and further boosted my energy every day. ( I was the one who lacked goals and motivation toward life, naturally, there is no point in waking up early)

For these 6 practices, I felt more positive and motivated, and I was able to successfully wake up early the next day and the following day as well.

So, I highly recommend "The Miracle Morning" to anyone looking to become an early riser and improve their overall well-being. Give it a try and see how it can transform your life too!

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