How I set up the chore-based allowance rules for my kids ③ (A)


How I set up the chore-based allowance rules for my kids ③ (A)

After a month had passed, the time had finally come to give them their first “paycheck”.
At first, they were eager to perform the housework, but as time went on, their motivation began to dwindle.
The elder sister generally approaches simple chores with diligence, while the younger brother tends to only tackle tasks that offer a higher allowance. It is apparent that they have distinct work styles.
And the outcome is...
my son (9 years old ) : 510yen
my daughter (11 years old) : 500yen
Their allowances turned out to be of the average amount.
The kids, who had become disinterested towards the end of the program, seem to have regained their motivation for work after receiving the money.
I believed it would be beneficial to modify the list of the chores,
so I made the decision to do so in collaboration with my children.
After a month of implementation, there are room for improvement, but I feel that it gave them the opportunity to reflect on their abilities.
Now that they have an understanding of the time and effort required for each housework, they may choose to complete it during their free time. Alternatively, they may decide whether they are capable of doing it independently and schedule it for the next month. I have observed this change as a result of their feedback.
I think I would continue with this chore-based system while experimenting and making adjustments along the way.

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