I decided to live a simpler life. (C)


I decided to live a simpler life. (C)

Hello, everyone. I'm Chieh.

The new year is here! Have you made any resolutions for 2023?
I made several changes during 2022, as I look back.
The decision to simplify my life is one of them.

Since turning 30, I was obsessed with browsing the accounts of home decor influencers on Instagram. I admire their homes, table settings, and high-quality lifestyles.

To follow in their footsteps, I began collecting household items, especially hand-made tableware made by artists. I kept track of their new works and exhibitions so that I could collect them one by one.

One day, when I was cleaning the cabinet, I noticed that there was barely any storage space due to the accumulation of plates and kitchen utensils.

Many plates are only used once. Some of them are too expensive for daily use, while others require a lot of follow-up maintenance. I have several white plates made by different artists, but I only use the ones that can be microwaved and put in the dishwasher.

It has become a burden to have things piled up at home.

I began to reflect on my behaviors. Whether I'm too caught up in the illusion of living a "high-quality life" and have been looking at what others have, rather than what I really need.
Am I trying to gain self-worth and identification from others through material possessions?

Having more stuff didn't make me happier.
I decided to lead a simpler lifestyle.

The following are some changes that I have made since November last year.

1. I no longer buy things with the same function as those I already have. For example, I stop buying new plates. I still have a very satisfactory quality of life.

2. Instead of using shower gels, I simply use soap. It made me feel more relaxed when showering. (Figure I)

3. One-in-one-out rule: bring a new item into the house and get rid of another one. In the case of skincare products or daily commodities, I only buy new ones when I use up them. As a result, I have more space in my house and feel satisfied when things are used up.

4. I dispose of leaflets and billing sheets promptly. Things we see easily stimulate us. We will be more relaxed and focused when we have less stuff in sight.

In these three months, I have learned to have self-confidence without relying on what I have. Throwing away unnecessary vanity and stopping spending money on pleasing others actually lowers my cost of living. It is not necessary for me to exhaust myself in order to make a lot of money. Working less will give me more time and money to do what really interests me. I am happier and freer when I have fewer things.

(Figure II) From now on, I won't buy any new plates unless I broke the old ones.

I decided to live a simpler life. (C)
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